Learning the Art of Electronics, 2nd Edition
Parts List, Analog Labs 1 to 13 We have chosen the most common Mfgr. part number but in many instances parts with different sufixes will work as well.
Updated 3/2/2025; Prices as of 2/2025 For example, the LM358P is the cheapest choice but the LM358AP, LM358AN or LM358PE3 all can be substituted.
Indicates same part is on Digital Parts List You can also use a different manufacturer's part. Many parts are made by multiple companies and all are identical.
For example, ON Semiconductor also makes the LM358 as a LM358S. 
Description Detail (pkg, etc.) Qty Needed Mfgr. Part No (exact) Source Distributor Part No  Price (Qty 1) $US   Qty Price $US   Qty  Notes  Alternate Source 1   Alternate Source 2   Alternate Source 3   
Transformer, 115V Primary, 6.3V Secondary Center Tapped, 1.2A 1 Triad F-14X Digikey 237-1917-ND  $            11.72  $     253.39   25 pieces  115V/230V can be deadly.  Be sure to insulate the primary leads before using the transformer with line voltage in Chapters 2L and 3L. Octopart Listing
Transformer, audio isolation, 600:600 Ohm, 1:1, EI-14 or equivalent see notes Amazon  $          6.99  10 pieces  Used in Lab 3L.2 if you cannot float your function generator.   Also available on eBay and Aliexpress - search for "EI-14 1:1 transformer" DigiKey
Inductor, 10mH, Wirewound, 85mA, 24 Ohm Radial 1 Murata Power 13R106C Digikey 811-2058-ND  $              0.59  $       14.50   25 pieces  Octopart Listing
Inductor, 100uH, Wirewound, 2.1A Radial 1 Abracon AIUR-06-101K Digikey AIUR-06-101K-ND  $              0.87  $       15.17   25 pieces  Octopart Listing
Ferrite Bead, 4.6mm OD, 1.5mm ID, 4.3mm long 2 Kemet B-20F-46 Digikey 399-10820-ND  $              0.56  $          8.54   25 pieces  Octopart Listing
Pushbutton Switch, SPST, Breadboard Compatible 1 Omron B3F-6000 Digikey SW263CT-ND  $              0.46  $          9.09  25 pieces An alternate is the APEM MJTP1212.  This is a larger tactile pushbutton.  $0.41 from Digikey. Octopart Listing
Microphone, Electret, Omni-Directional 1 PUI Audio AOM-6738P-R Digikey 668-1296-ND  $              0.97  $       18.27  25 pieces Octopart Listing Adafruit
Speaker, 8 Ohm 1 Adafruit 1314 Digikey 1528-2435-ND  $              1.95 Any 8 Ohm speaker may be used.  We like the Pyle PCB4BK for general audio use in our lab. Adafruit Adafruit
Schottky Diode, 1N5817 , 1A DO-41 2 Micro Commerical 1N5817-TP Digikey 1N5817-TPCT-ND  $              0.18  $          7.58  100 pieces  Octopart Listing
Schottky Diode, 1N5711 , 430mW (optional) DO-35 see notes STMicroelectronics 1N5711 Digikey 497-2499-1-ND  $              0.10  $          3.90  100 pieces Used in Chapter 24S.  Any small signal Schottky diode should work. Octopart Listing
1N914/1N4148, Silicon Diode, 100V, 300mA, Fast Recovery DO-35 2 Onsemi 1N4148 Digikey 1N4148FS-ND  $              0.10  $          2.92 100 pieces Available from many manufacturers.  1N4148 and 1N914 are equivalent. Octopart Listing
1N4004, Silicon Rectifier, 400V, 1A DO-41 2 Comchip Tech. 1N4004B-G Digikey 641-1999-ND  $              0.13  $          5.73 100 pieces Available from many manufacturers. Any part no. from 1N4004 (400V) through 1N4007 (1000V) will work. Used with analog panel meter. Octopart Listing
1N5223, Zener Diode, 2.7V, 500mW DO-35 1 Onsemi 1N5223B Digikey 1N5232B-ND  $              0.11  $          2.90 100 pieces Used in diode curve tracing lab.  Any 1.8V to 3V zener diode will work. Octopart Listing
1N5232, Zener Diode, 5.6V, 500mW (1N752 equivalent) DO-35 1 Onsemi 1N5232B Digikey 1N5232B-ND  $              0.11  $          3.00 100 pieces Available from many manufacturers. Any 500mW or 1W, 5.6V zener diode will work. Octopart Listing
1N5294, JFET Current Source Diode, 0.75mA DO-35 2 Solid State 1N5294 Digikey 579-1N5294  $            17.36  $       16.12  100 pieces Two required for BJT II Lab. These are getting quite expensive and hard to find. Try Amazon or eBay. The E-701 ($1.31) should work as well. Octapart Listing
You could also use the SST504 which is $8.82 at DigiKey; however, it is only available in a surface mount SOT package. SparkFun SOT adapter ProtoAdvantage Adapter
2N3904, Small-Signal, NPN,  40V, 200mA, 625mW TO-92 4 Central Semi. 2N3904 PBFREE Digikey 1514-2N3904PBFREE-ND  $              0.46  $       17.90 100 pieces Available from many manufacturers. Octopart Listing Digikey Digikey
2N3906, Small-Signal, PNP, 40V, 200mA, 625mW TO-92 4 Comchip Tech. 2N3906-G Digikey 641-1946-ND  $              0.27  $       10.12 100 pieces Available from many manufacturers. Octopart Listing Digikey
MJE3055, Power BJT, NPN,  60V, 10A, 125W TO-220 2 Onsemi MJE3055TG Mouser 863-MJE3055TG  $              0.53  $          5.02  10 pieces Available from many manufacturers. Octopart Listing Digikey Newark
MJE2955, Power BJT, PNP,  60V, 10A, 125W TO-220 2 Onsemi MJE2955TG Mouser 863-MJE2955TG  $              1.20  $          7.33  10 pieces Available from many manufacturers. Octopart Listing Digikey Newark
CA3069, BJT Array, 3 NPN, 2 PNP 16 pin DIP 1 Intersil CA3096E Walmart See notes  $            10.95 Also try eBay or  google shopping. HFA3096 will not work.  16-SOIC version from Digikey (2156-CA3096CM96-ND) with 333 minimum qty eBay Octopart Listing
MOSFET, Small Signal, P-Channel, ZVP3306A TO-92 4 Diodes Inc ZVP3306A Digikey ZVP3306A-ND  $              1.19  $       47.04  100 pieces  Any small signal P-Chanel MOSFET with Vgs(th) of approximately -1.5V to -3.5V such as the BS250P should work.  The TP2104 is also a good alternative.  Octopart Listing 
IRLZ34, Power MOSFET, N-Channel, 55V, 30A, 68W, Vgs(th) 1V to 2V TO-220 1 Vishay IRLZ34PBF Digikey IRLZ34PBF-ND  $              2.90  $       71.81 50 pieces Any N-Channel power MOSFET with a max Vgs(th) of 2.7 volts to work with 3.3V logic could be used. Octopart Listing Newark
IRL2505PBF, Power MOSFET, N-Channel, 55V, 104A, 200W, Vgs(th) 1V to 2V TO-220 1 Infineon IRL2505PBF Octapart This is getting hard to find but you can substitute the IRLZ34 or an FDP5800 or the IRLM3036
CD4007, MOSFET Array, dual complementary pair w/ inverter 14 pin DIP 1 Texas Inst CD4007UBE Digikey 296-3501-5-ND  $              0.58  $          9.22  25 pieces RCA CA3600E  is equivalent. Octopart Listing
J112, Small Signal JFET, N-Channel, 35V, 625mW (Substitute for 2N5485) TO-92 1 Onsemi J112 Digikey J112FS-ND  $              0.51  $          3.43  10 pieces J112 is a replacement for the 2N5485 which is difficult to find.  The J113 should work as well. Octopart Listing
MCR218, SCR, 200V, 8A TO-220 1 Littlefuse MCR218-4G Digikey CR218-4GOS-ND  $              2.44  $       15.70  10 pieces Octopart Listing
LF411, Op Amp, JFET input, 50pA Ibias, 3MHz 8 pin DIP 2 Texas Inst LF411CP Digikey 296-26079-5-ND  $              1.67  $       52.35 50 pieces Octopart Listing Texas Inst
LM741, Op Amp, Bipolar, 1.5Mhz 8 pin DIP 2 Texas Inst LM741CN/NOPB Digikey LM741CNNS/NOPB-ND  $              0.80  $       19.53 40 pieces Octopart Listing Texas Inst
LM358, Dual  Op Amp, Single/Dual Supply 8 pin DIP 3 Texas Inst LM358P Digikey 296-1395-5-ND  $              0.23  $          6.28 50 pieces Octopart Listing
LMC6482, Dual Op Amp, CMOS, Ibias 20fA, Rail-to-Rail, Single Supply 8 pin DIP 1 Texas Inst LMC6482AIN/NOPB Digikey LMC6482AIN/NOPB-ND  $              4.47  $       40.10 10 pieces Octopart Listing Texas Inst
LMC622, Dual Op Amp, CMOS, Ibias 20fA, Rail-to-Rail, Single Supply 8 pin DIP see notes Texas Inst LMC662CN/NOPB Digikey LMC662CN/NOPB-ND  $              2.11  $       15.59 10 pieces Used in sample-and-hold example of Chapter 12N.7 Octopart Listing
LT1215, Dual Op Amp, High Speed (23MHz GBW) 8 pin DIP 1 ADC LT1215CN8#PBF Digikey LT1215CN8#PBF-ND  $              9.99  $       67.83 10 pieces Octopart Listing
LTC1150, Op Amp, Low Offset Voltage, Zero Drift 8 pin DIP 1 ADC LTC1150CN8#PBF Digikey LTC1150CN8#PBF-ND  $            12.52  $       86.22 10 pieces Used in integrator lab Octopart Listing ADI
LT6020, Op Amp, Low Offset Voltage 8 pin MSOP 1 ADC LT6020HMS8#PBF Digikey LT6020HMS8#PBF-ND  $              9.27  $       62.66 10 pieces Used in instrumentation amplifier lab Octopart Listing
LM311 Comparator, Bipolar 8 pin DIP 1 Texas Inst LM311P Digikey 296-1389-5-ND  $              0.41  $       11.92  50 pieces Octopart Listing
TLC372, Dual Comparator, CMOS, single supply 8 pin DIP 1 Texas Inst TLC372CP Digikey 296-1845-5-ND  $              1.27  $       39.16 50 pieces Octapart Listing
LM317T, Voltage Regulator, Adjustable, 1.5A, Linear, 3-Terminal TO220 1 TI/ST Micro LM317T-DG Digikey 497-12403-ND  $              0.83  $       25.00 50 pieces Octopart Listing
LM385-2.5, Voltage Reference Diode (Shunt Regulator), 2.5V TO92 1 Texas Inst LM385BZ-2.5/NOPB Digikey LM385BZ-2.5NS/NOPB-ND  $              1.05  $       17.90 25 pieces Octopart Listing Texas Inst
78L05, Voltage Regulator, 5V, 100mA, Linear TO92 1 ST Micro L78L05ACZ Digikey 497-2952-ND  $              0.21  $          3.15 25 pieces Octopart Listing
LT1073, Voltage Regulator, Adjustable, 1.5A, Switching, Buck/Boost 8 pin DIP 1 ADC LT1073CN8-5#PBF Digikey LT1073CN8-5#PBF-ND  $            10.69  $       72.91 10 pieces Octopart Listing
DG403, Analog Switch, Dual DPST 16 pin DIP 1 Vishay DG403DJ-E3 Digikey DG403DJ-E3-ND  $              4.80  $       36.50  10 pieces Also available from Analog Devices at a higher price. Octopart Listing
LMC555, Timer/Oscillator 8 pin DIP 1 Texas Inst LMC555CN/NOPB Digikey LMC555CN/NOPB-ND  $              1.46  $       36.88  40 pieces Octopart Listing
MAX294, Switched- Capacitor Low Pass Filter 8 pin DIP 1 ADC MAX294CPA+ Digikey MAX294CPA+-ND  $            14.66  $     101.97 10 pieces Also try Amazon, eBay or Octopart Octopart Listing
LM4667, Audio Amplier, 1.5W, Switching (Class D ) VSSOP 1 Texas Inst LM4667MM/NOPB Digikey LM4667MM/NOPBCT-ND  $              1.34  $       11.96  10 pieces Requires MSOP-10 to DIP Adapter (Proto Advantage PA0027 - Digikey PA0027-ND $4.09) Octopart Listing Texas Inst
LT1167, Instrumentation Amplifier 8 pin DIP 1 ADC LT1167IN8#PBF Digikey LT1167IN8#PBF-ND  $            13.07  $       90.24  10 pieces Octopart Listing ADC
74HC14, Hex Schmidt Trigger Inverter 14 pin DIP 1 Toshiba TC74HC14APF Digikey TC74HC14APF-ND  $              0.64  $          7.86  25 pieces Octapart Listing
AD630, Balanced Modulator/Demodulator (see notes) 20 pin DIP ADC AD630JNZ Digikey 505-AD630JNZ-ND  $            41.31  $     521.55 18 pieces Optional IC modulator/demodulator for lock-in lab. Octopart Listing
#47 Lamp, Incandescent,  6.3V, 0.15A T-3 1/4  2 Visual Comm. 47 Digikey CM47-ND  $              1.57  $       11.15  10 pieces Available from multiple manufacturers. Mouser Newark
#344 Lamp, Incandescent,  10V, 0.014A T-3 1/4  1 JKL Comp 344 onlinecomp  $              6.56  $     119.20  20 pieces Sustitute #7344 (same lamp with bi-pin base) for single qty purchase. Octopart Listing Octopart (#7344)
LED, HLMP-3950, Green, 5mm, High Efficiency  T-3 1/4  4 Broadcom HLMP-3950 Digikey 516-1347-ND  $              0.67  $       33.71 100 pieces Max 30mA forward curent Newark
LED, HLMP4700, Red, 5mm, low current, 7.5mA Vf(max) T-3 1/4  4 Everlight HLMP4700 Digikey 1080-1061-ND  $              0.23  $       23.57 250 pieces Max 7.5mA forward curent Mouser Newark
LED, Yellow, High Brightness T-3 1/4  Cree C566C-AFF-CU0W0252 Digikey C566C-AFF-CU0W0252CT-ND  $              0.19  $       16.51 100 pieces Other 5mm Yellow LEDs may be substituted Octopart Listing
LED, Blue, Wide Angle  T-3 1/4  Lite-On  LTL1CHTBK4 Digikey 160-1602-ND  $              0.21  $       10.10 100 pieces Replacement for LNG995PFBW.  (Other 30mA max, 30 degree blue LEDs may be used.)
LED, TSTS7100, IR Emitter, 950nm, 250mA TO18 1 Vishay TSTS7100 Digikey TSTS7100-ND  $              3.60  $       26.39 10 pieces
LED, SFH4554, IR Emitter, 850nm, 100mA T-3 1/4  1 OSRAM SFH 4554 Digikey 475-SFH4554-ND  $              0.76  $          5.29 10 pieces Octopart Listing
Phototransistor, BPV11, 850nm, 5mm T-3 1/4  1 Vishay BPV11 Digikey 751-1003-ND  $              1.03  $          7.21 10 pieces Octopart Listing
Phototransistor, QSD123/124, 880nm, 5mm T-3 1/4  1 Onsemi QSD123 Digikey QSD123-ND  $              0.70  $          4.84 10 pieces Either QSD123 or QSD124 may be used Octopart Listing
Heatsink, Aluminum, TO-92, Slip On Fits TO-92 1 Avid/Boyd 575200B00000G Digikey HS251-ND  $              2.25  $       47.42  25 pieces Octopart Listing
DC Hobby Motor, 3V-12V 1 Adafruit 711 Digikey 1528-1150-ND  $              1.95 Any small DC motor will do. They are plentiful on eBay and Amazon. The Adafruit part is rated for 4.5-9V which is fine. Adafruit
Meter Movement, Analog, 1mA FS 1 85C1-A Amazon  $              8.49 Add two back-to-back 1N400X diodes across rear terminals to protect against overvoltage. Google
Strain Gauge, 4 Wire, 1Kg 1 Adafruit 4540 Digikey 1528-4540-ND  $              3.95 Also called a Load Cell. Available from multiple sources Adafruit Octopart Listing
HX711 Load Cell Sensor Module, SPI Output see notes Sparkfun SEN-13879 Digikey 1568-1436-ND  $            10.95 Optional experiment using Arduino in instrumentation amplifier lab.  You can buy this module with the load cell on Amazon. Sparkfun Octopart Listing
Resistors, 1/4W, 5%, carbon comp or carbon film (carbon comp are easier to read) Axial see notes Various Digikey It is tedious to buy each value separately.  Octopart Listing Adafruit (single values)
  10, 27, 47, 82, 100, 120, 180, 220, 240, 270, 330, 390, 470, 560, 620, 680, 750, 820 Ohms It makes more sense to buy a resistor kit with many values such as this one with 50 different values from 1 Ohm to 10M Ohms for $16
  1k, 1.2k, 1.5k, 1.8k , 2k, 2.2k 2.7k, 3.3k, 3.9k, 4.7k, 5.6k, 6.2k, 6.8k, 7.5k, 8.2k Ohms   Try to stick with 5% tolerance if you can as it reduces the values available (and makes you think about tolerance when you design your circuits).
  10k, 11k, 12k, 15k, 20k, 22k, 33k, 47k, 56k, 62k, 68k, 82k Ohms (We might have missed a value you need in our list so buying a kit helps there as well.)
  100k, 120k, 220k, 330k, 470k, 560k, 1M Ohms
  3.3M Ohms Axial 1 Yageo CFR-25JB-52-3M3 Digikey 4.7MQBK-ND  $              0.10  $          0.71  25 pieces Many kits only go up to 1M Ohm. If you cannot find a kit with larger values, you can buy these values separately.  Octopart Listing
  10M Ohms Axial 1 Yageo CFR-25JB-52-10M Digikey 10MQBK-ND  $              0.10  $          0.71  25 pieces Octopart Listing
Power Resistor, 10 Ohm, 25W Axial 1 TE Conn. HSA2510RJ Digikey A102130-ND  $              5.76  $       39.22 10 pieces Two required.
Resistor, 10k, 1/4W, 1%, Metal Film Axial 6 Yageo MFR-25FBF52-10K Digikey 10.0KXBK-ND  $              0.10  $          2.51 100 pieces Available from many manufacturers. Used in instrumentation amplifier lab. Octopart Listing
Resistor, 100k, 1/4W, 1%, Metal Film Axial 6 Yageo 100KXBK-ND Digikey 100KXBK-ND  $              0.10  $          2.51 100 pieces Available from many manufacturers. Used in instrumentation amplifier lab. Octopart Listing
Trimpot, Single Turn, 1k, 1/2W, w/knob  PCB pins 1 Bourns 3386P-1-103TLF Digikey 3386P-103TLF-ND  $              2.62  $       51.70  25 pieces 1k pot available on PB-503 breadboard. If out of stock you can substitute screwdriver adjust Digikey 3386P-102LF-ND Octopart Listing
Trimpot, Multi-Turn, 2k, 1/4W, w/knob  PCB pins Bourns 64WR2KLF Digikey 987-1065-ND  $              2.21  $       43.46 25 pieces Used in instrumentation lab. Octopart Listing
Trimpot, Single Turn, 10k, 1/2W, w/knob  PCB pins 1 SparkFun COM-09806 Digikey 1568-1616-ND  $              1.05 A more expensive equivalent ($2.24 at Digikey) Octopart Listing SparkFun Adafruit
Trimpot, Single Turn, 15k, 1/2W, screwdriver adjust  PCB pins 1 Bourns 3386F-1-153LF Mouser 652-3386F-1-153LF  $              1.40  $       12.70 10 Pieces Used in the current mirror lab. A 20k timmer can be substituted. Octopart Listing
Trimpot, Single Turn, 100k, 1/2W, w/knob  PCB pins 1 Bourns 3386P-1-104TLF Digikey  3386P-1-104TLF-ND  $              2.20  $       43.33  25 pieces Octopart Listing
Trimpot, Single Turn, 1M, 1/2W, w/knob  PCB pins 1 Bourns 3386P-1-105TLF Digikey  3386P-1-105TLF-ND  $              2.20  $       43.33  25 pieces Octopart Listing
Potentiometer, Motor Driven 1 Alps Alpine RK16812MG099 Mouser 688-RK16812MG099  $            19.84  $     190.30 10 pieces Cheaper in single quantity here (but not sure about shipping costs.) Octopart Listing
CAPACITORS Search for "capacitor kit ceramic/poly/tantalum/electrolytic" on Amazon or eBay
  10pF, 68pF, 100pF, 220pF, 330pF, 470pF, 560pF (Ceramic, 25V min, +/-10%) Radial Kemet CK05BX100K Digikey 1001-2001-ND  $              1.17  $       52.85 100 pieces Any 25V or higher ceramic capacitor should work. Part number is for 10pF.  Replace "100" to search for other values.  Again a kit makes more sense. Digikey
 100nF (Ceramic, 250V, +/-10%) Radial Panasonic ECQ-E2104KF Digikey EF2104-ND  $              0.36  $       16.33 100 pieces Any 25V or higher ceramic capacitor should work. 
  0.001uF (Metalized Polyester, 100V min, +/-10%) Radial Kemet R82EC1100SH50J Digikey 399-11751-ND  $              0.25  $          6.05 50 pieces Other polyester or polypropylene capacitors should work. Digikey
  0.01uF (Metalized Polyester, 100V min, +/-10%) Cornell Dubilier 150103K630BB Digikey 338-3275-ND  $              2.34  $       16.59 10 pieces Other polyester or polypropylene capacitors should work. Digikey
  0.1uF (Metalized Polyester, 100V min, +/-10%) Cornell Dubilier 104MPW160K Digikey 1572-1637-ND  $              1.14  $       31.36 50 pieces Other polyester or polypropylene capacitors should work. This one is a bit cheaper. Digikey
  0.22uF (Metalized Polyester, 400V min, +/-10%) Cornell Dubilier 224MWR400K Digikey 224MWR400K-ND  $              1.48  $       41.49 50 pieces Other polyester or polypropylene capacitors should work. Digikey
  0.33uF (Metalized Polyester, 35V min, +/-10%) Radial Kemet R82DC3330Z360J Digikey 399-11513-ND  $              0.54  $       13.93 50 pieces Other polyester or polypropylene capacitors should work. Digikey
  1uF (Metalized Polyester, 35V min, +/-10%) Radial Kemet R82EC4100Z370K Digikey 399-12645-ND  $              0.91  $       24.72 50 pieces Other polyester or polypropylene capacitors should work. Digikey
  4.7uF (Tantalum, 20V min, +/-10%) Radial Kyocera TAP475K035SCS Digikey 478-1907-ND  $              0.81  $       21.76  50 pieces   Other tantalum capacitors should work.  Digikey
 10uF (Tantalum, 35Vmin, +/-10%) Radial Kyocera TAP106M035SCS Digikey 478-6062-ND  $              0.72  $       19.05  50 pieces  Other tantalum capacitors should work.  Digikey
 15uF (Tantalum, 20V min, +/-10%) Radial Kyocera TAP156K025SCS Digikey 478-1859-ND  $              1.30  $       26.03  50 pieces   Other tantalum capacitors should work.  Digikey
 100uF (Tantalum, 20V min, +/-10%) Radial Kyocera TAP107K020HSB Digikey 478-9332-ND  $              2.25  $       68.84  50 pieces   Other tantalum capacitors should work.  Digikey
 100uF (Electrolytic, 35V min, +/-20)  Radial Rubycon 35ZLH100MEFC6.3X11 Digikey 1189-1300-ND  $              0.31  $          6.81  50 pieces  Used for bypass. Other electrolytic capacitors should work. 
 100uF (Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic, 16V, +/-20% Low ESR)  Radial 1 Panasonic 16SEPC100MW Mouser 667-16SEPC100MW  $              1.19  $       24.20  50 pieces   Used in switching voltage regulator lab. Other low ESR aluminum polymer capacitors should work.  Octopart